Jewish Holidays
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Splitting of the Sea on Independence Day
According to Ben Zoma – whose ruling we accept, in that we mention the Exodus every night when we say Kriyat Sh'ma – we will not speak of the Exodus at all during the times of the Messiah. And even according to the Sages, though it will be mentioned, it will be clearly secondary. This raises a strong question: Did the Haggadah include this dispute simply in order to detract from the importance of the Exodus after the Mashiach comes?! We are all seated around the festive Seder table - is that the time to minimize the importance of out miraculous departure from Egypt?! The answer is that the opposite is true... -
President Herzog visits Rabbi Wein
A special Chag get-together of Rabbi Berel Wein and President Mr. Isaac Herzog speaking about his grandfather Rav Herzog ZT"L and giving a blessing in honor of Pesach. -
The Final Redemption
We are living in the period of the Final Redemption – but just like in Egypt, it is up to us to complete the release from physical bondage by attaining spiritual freedom. -
The Hurt & the Hope
The Jewish People languished in slavery & degradation for more than a century. Somehow, rather than blame Hashem for our sad state of affairs, we reached out to Him & looked to Him to save us.
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